Barbara Ranck




Barbara Ranck




Barbara Ranck


Joanne Gasperik

Interview Date


Interview sponsor

Moda Fabrics


Naples, Florida


Joanne Gasperik


Joanne Gasperik (JG): This is Joanne Gasperik. Today's date is April 20th, 2005, and it is 11:28 in the morning. I'm conducting an interview with Barbara Ranck for Quilters' S.O.S - Save Our Stories. And we are in her home in Naples, Florida. Barbara, thank you for allowing me to interview you today. Tell me about the quilt that we have here today. Who made it? It's origin, who it was made for.

Barbara Ranck (BR): Thank you for coming. The quilt today is a star quilt. It was given to me by my grandmother Mary Buckwalter Groff Herr. She made it when she was age 73. She was born in March 1872 and her favorite pastime was flower garden quilts. But I was the last grandchild, and she was partial to girls having raised four sons. So, I was the third granddaughter and she had six grandsons, so she made this in 1945 when I was three years old.

JG: How wonderful. How have you been keeping it?

BR: I have an antique blanket chest and it's tucked there with the rest of the other quilts.

JG: What are your plans for this quilt?

BR: Probably handing it down to the next generation.

JG: Anybody particular in mind or do they know that yet?

BR: No, I have given 2 other quilts to nieces, and I probably will pass it to my youngest niece.

JG: Tell me your background in quilting, when did you start?

BR: I am from Lancaster, Pennsylvania and that is where this quilt was constructed. My grandmother on my mother's side quilted, the grandmother that made this was my father's side and she pieced, and my mother is a quilter, so it's my roots.

JG: Multi-generational.

BR: That's right.

JG: So, you were, you were, steeped in it. Your first quilt memories are when you opened your eyes.

BR: Almost, [both laugh.] because this grandmother that made this quilt lived next, we lived in half her house. She was tending my grandfather who was kicked in the throat by a horse when he and his brother purchased the first ice plant [clock chimes.] in Lancaster was Herr's Ice Plant, [spells.] H-E-R-R and he had a trache [tracheotomy] and that happened at 27 and he lived until he was 75. So, my father was the last of the four boys, considerably. My folks lived in half the house and my father was his spokesman in the business for his father.

JG: Did you start; I mean you grew up with quilters around you, when did you start quilting?

BR: Probably when I was about 24, about. I made a quilt in 1966, just pieced a quilt and quilted it, but didn't do much else because we were in the building, the construction business and I helped my husband build houses, for many, many years.

JG: Well, I was going to ask, so what took you so long to get started?

BR: [laughs.] I don't know--

JG: You had your mother--

BR: Actually, I do know. My folks--my grandfather died and then eventually my folks bought a farm, and my sister was married. My brother was a junior in high school and I was in 4th grade when they bought a farm and so I was my father's girl Friday although he said I worked better than a boy. When I was 13, he started building houses in addition to farming. And I have my mother's tendency to be a tomboy, so it was more fun to be outside than to just sit and--

JG: Sure, sure--

BR: Work with thread.

JG: [agrees.] But you worked with your hands all your life just with other things.

BR: That's right, that's right.

JG: Wow. How many hours a week do you quilt?

BR: I try at least three, or work with fabric in one-way or the other.

JG: Where do you get your inspiration from, for your quilt projects?

BR: The last several years I have been preparing projects for my mother who is 93 1/2 and she was here this winter, here in Naples from her place in Pennsylvania and quilted 6 wall hangings, one was larger, it was at least a bed size, six of those in 7 weeks. [JG gasps.] And she did the quilting and I prepared them. [both laugh.] That's right. She is like a machine. She did two full afghans in January, and she started this in February she was ready to quilt.

JG: Oh, golly and I met your mother. I never assumed that she was 93.

BR: I took her to a doctor here and he said you don't look like 93 and she said [laughs.] what's 93 to look like? [JG laughs.] And he said Well I've seen 93's and you aren't it. [both laugh.] A wonderful gift, she is.

JG: Oh yes, yes. So, your inspirations, do you get the magazines or where do you decide where your next - what your next quilting project is going to be?

BR: We do quite a few wall hangings, some preprinted which I embellish or add to or sash. I would say we do probably 8 or 10 a year for the Care Fund where she lives at Landis Home Retirement Community at Lititz, Pennsylvania. The Care Fund supports people who - Social Security, that's what they are down to, and they can stay at Landis Home but there may be 60 people out of 700 residents that that happens to, and this Care Fund helps. And there's a fellowship barbeque and auction in September. And so, our focus and energy are to prepare items to donate. When my father was ill--he died in March of 2004, Hospice of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania was very instrumental in his care. They came on board in 2002. [phone rings.] 2003, sorry, in July. It was a long comfortable relationship and so [answering machine plays.] we also donate items for their fundraisers.

JG: Great, wonderful so, okay, so just to wrap up, you --

BR: Is that a conflict with your tape?

JG: No that's okay. [caller's recording begins in the back.] Yeah, okay, maybe we will pause. [tape is shut off until the answering machine stops.] We paused the tape. There was a message on the answering machine that we thought might interrupt. So, you piece the quilts and then you give them to your mom, the sewing machine, the human sewing machine.

BR: That's right.

JG: [laughs.] To quilt.

BR: To hand quilt.

JG: How interesting, how great. Do you sleep under a quilt?

BR: In our motor home we do.

JG: The quilts that you make and donate are they documented in any way? Do you take progress photos of them? Or are they out of your life?

BR: We take photos and I do signature patches so that there is not necessarily our history, but there is an ongoing history for them.

JG: Oh, that's good, that's good. Have you used quilting to get through a difficult time in your life?

BR: I thought about that, and I really did. I had a small wall hanging during my father's last days where we sat with him. [starts to cry.]

JG: Its okay, it's all right. If it's too hard--

BR: No, its okay, its--

JG: Is this it here? Oh the--

BR: Well, similar to that and then my mother made an afghan in afghan stitch which is patchwork in 'Around the World' that matched it, which we gave to Hospice then.

JG: Oh, how wonderful. I'm sorry. I didn't mean--that was, that was really a tough question. Let's go, what do you find pleasing about quilting?

BR: Well, purchasing the fabric, [both laugh.] and threads the wonderful rayon threads and the colors that are available now. It's just spectacular.

JG: Do you have your favorite shop?

BR: I think all shops are favorite. [both laugh.] I particularly like shops where the owner knows or whoever is staff knows their inventory. I think that is really a gift.

JG: [agrees.] What else about quilting do you find pleasing?

BR: I find pleasing the friends you meet with a needle and thread. You never find a boring quilter. They are always interesting; they are always fun. Just this winter my mother had been gone seven years from here and they had lived here 18 before they left. We had several luncheons with friends and the needle and thread was what brought us together. Very different walks of life and it was just marvelous when we talked about what brought us together.

JG: Yeah, yeah one single needle [BR: That's right.] brings a person together, so many. Do you take classes? Do you, how do you learn, how do you learn more?

BR: I take classes when I am able to. I belong to a bee, and everyone works with something different and there are 25 or so of those people so that's, [JG exclaims.] that's also a learning curve.

JG: It is, you know. What are you doing over there? Show me.

BR: That's right. Or how do you do this?

JG: Yes, yes. What do you share with people, what do you share?

BR: Not everybody is into mitered corners when they're doing binding. I also craft and press my hems before I hand stitch, not everyone does that. When I watch them, it is very painful. [JG laughs.] I am also into straw needles for that. They're wonderful.

JG: I love straw.

BR: Yes, I love them.

JG: Do you appliqué as well as piece?

BR: Very little appliqué. Because I'm doing projects for fund raisers and so the detail is not--

JG: Correct, you're right, that's true. If you had time, do you enjoy appliqué though?

BR: Yes, I would. Yes. And I have a red hat--they are sunbonnet babies, gathered to produce this summer.

JG: And do you hand quilt, as well as machine quilt, or machine quilt as well as hand quilt?

BR: I prefer hand quilting.

JG: Do you think--do you feel that both of them are strong? Personally, that would be your choice. The hand quilting.

BR: Yes.

JG: And when you look at quilts which ones are you drawn to? When you go to a quilt show or a quilt museum?

BR: I think it depends on the art form. An ordinary quilt that is machine quilted is very substantial for use, but I think it is not necessarily show quality. And an art form that is embellished for museum quality is probably acceptable but [pause] that's my thought.

JG: What are your standards then for having a quilt selected for a collection or for a museum? What do think is most important? What do you think got that quilt into that collection?

BR: Well of course it depends on the judge and the taste of the curator of the museum. Unless it is very embellished and it fits into the pattern, I am not necessarily into machine quilting, but I know that's the age. I once heard a speaker at Naples guild talk about her grandmother who would have approved of machine quilting if she paid a thousand or more for her machine to be productive, and instead of doing three quilts a year she is doing however many she can. And there, that's the reality, you know.

JG: What do you think are the criteria, though, for any quilt to be museum quality?

BR: [6 second pause.] I really think the design, the color, I mean whether it's judged in the show or--

JG: Is that what draws you to a quilt?

BR: Sure, and the quality of the workmanship.

JG: [nods.] Are there any aspects of quilting you don't enjoy?

BR: I think the lack of time is wearing on me. I have so many projects. I have a cousin who does a lot of garments, wearable garments and she once said she wanted to do a thousand things at one time in her life. I would say the lack of time bugs me, not to be able to do that because I multitask in our business and--

JG: Yeah, yeah.

BR: And Parenting parents and so forth.

JG: That interesting, that's an interesting answer, because you see that you don't seem to consider anything about quilting unpleasant other than a lack of time. You would do the bindings, you would, all those things.

BR: That's one of my favorite things.

JG: Is it?

BR: Right, it's just a finished product. It's that and signature patches, I do my own. I just find that really fun to create to that particular piece.

JG: So, there is joy to finishing, there's not sadness to finishing a project. [both laugh.]

BR: No on and upward.

JG: Next one.

BR: That's right.

JG: On to 998, right? [laughs.]

BR: That's right.

JG: Oh, where - you said you belonged to a guild. You mentioned you belong to a bee do you belong to guilds as well?

BR: Naples Guild.

JG: Naples Guild.

BR: And Bonita Quilters which is not a guild, but they meet once a month, and the Bee is Loose Threads which meets every Thursday.

JG: I see, okay. When you came to Naples, when you were still in Pennsylvania did you belong to a bee there too?

BR: No, because we have lived in Naples since 1980.

JG: I see, so right from the start. When did you join the guild?

BR: When Linda Z [Zokan.] was the chair. I don't know what year that was.

JG: That was in the late 90's, late 90's, okay. Where do you think, quilters should go to learn about quilting or about drafting a pattern? Where should they, what are sources that quilters should use?

BR: Well, Internet for sure, and from other people. I mean I just cannot imagine whether it's a shop, it's a show, it's a bee. If you are alert and interested there just is no reason that you are not learning every curve and turn of the road as you go. Magazines of course.

JG: Yes, inspiration, yes. Do you get a lot of quilting magazines?

BR: Maybe three, about.

JG: And you draw your inspiration from there too?

BR: I just find it interesting reading; probably my favorite is Fons & Porter. I think their common sense, their humor--

JG: Now quilting has a long history not just in your family but in America as well. How do you think, what do you think about the importance of quilting in American life?

BR: Oh, I think it was vital for women and for men for merchandising. [laughs.] But early on for women to meet other women. I mean, the isolation was pretty tremendous, and how they were used: for the freedom for some people, for the art form for others, but back again to friends and threads. It's just an amazing thing, a healthy thing.

JG: It was a vital way of expressing themselves. In wartime--

BR: But sure, it was keeping warm too. It was being self-sufficient and having bedding for your family.

JG: [nods.] Do you have a big stash?

BR: Very sizable. But I have a very tolerant and comfortable husband, roommate, who is excellent to take shopping because he is far better skilled at color selection and I just need to give him a swatch and he will go off and find selections A, B and C, and this is what I think it should be, which is really a wonderful gift to share an interest.

JG: And he encourages you. He would also like you to have more time to quilt.

BR: I don't feel that pressure, it's self-torture. [JG laughs.] No pressure to [inaudible.]--

JG: Are you drawn to some colors, use special colors or when you select your colors or when John selects them, do you experiment with other colors, or do you stay in a certain range?

BR: I try to expand that and work on that. Again, Linda Zokan is her name, spoke at Bonita Quilters a while ago, and she had an interesting presentation which she had two gals hold a rod and she took from her stash and said this and this and this goes. But now I am going to add this, and doesn't that add punch? And since then, I have shopped looking for punch. In addition, too, in a new way, because I think color spectrum is interesting and some people have that gift and some people keep working on it, to put that together for the best.

JG: [nods.] When you've learned a new technique have you tried to apply it right away, in a quilt?

BR: In shopping, sure, yes.

JG: But also in technique, in a piecing skill that you may have just learned do you try to apply that? Do you experiment with different techniques in your quilting as well?

BR: I went to Gainesville in January and stopped at My Favorite Quilt Shop, that's the name of it, and they had a pattern for, and showed how to do a crazy quilt. And that has been fun using my Bernina to use fancy stitches on that, and the first quilt I did with that I put together in a day which is my speed. [laughs.] And I took longer to embellish it with thread, but it was a charity quilt so, interesting, but yes I came home and found that really fun to do and I've shared it with friends.

JG: Where did that charity quilt, where did this particular quilt go to?

BR: It went to, I am not sure whether it went to Immokalee to their Public Health and its prenatal program. That is if the mothers come for every appointment. That is the goal then they are given a quilt. And it's a nice thing. I am not sure if it's every mother or the indigent mothers who necessarily have access to the quilts.

JG: That's an interesting program.

BR: Yes, it is

JG: You have supported that for quite a while?

JG: Bonita Quilters have that as their main focus, and they meet on the Tuesdays other than their once-a-month Tuesday meeting to do those quilts. And people also take things home to do them. And members are encouraged to do that, to share. I think probably they do 50 or 60 and as you know the Naples Guild also provides quilts for the children that come into the shelter for abused women.

JG: Yes, and you also donate to make--

BR: I have not done any for that, but I should.

JG: Yeah, but you make charity quilts for so many others. What other events do you support with your quilting?

BR: We've done the Collier Building Industry Association, when they had a fishing tournament. I did a fishing wall hanging for their 1st annual catch and release. And the Naples Philharmonic Festival of Trees we donated from our company John R. Ranck, Inc. Remodeling, a large quilt that we purchased up north, from Amish friends, who have small shops in their homes, that we have known for many years. We've collected quilts for that purpose to donate and then they are raffled off at $5.00 dollars per ticket and they have done well over the years for the Festival of Trees. Unfortunately, last year was the last year they are doing the Festival after 15 or 16 years. So, there will be another venue for those quilts but that's been fun to collect. We've also collected from Sarasota Christian Day School that has a fabulous auction in February. So, we have purchased a quilt there and given it to here so it's almost a double dipper in support.

JG: Yes, it is, yes, it is. Well, I can see where you do keep very busy, [laughs.] very busy. Wonderful. When you go back to Pennsylvania what's your first stop there? Do you go to the quilt shops or is it just family oriented?

BR: Well, my mother has about 4 or 5 friends on her particular area of the apartments that are quilters or work with fabric. And one of the joys is to take them to quilt shops and there is a hardware store and grocery restaurant combination that we'll stop at, but to have a day out with those women is just, it is just the most fun and they range in age from mid-seventies to my mother is 93 is the oldest. [phone ringing.] It is just such a joy and the children that live near these [answering machine message plays.] ladies and don't pick up on that, they are missing it.

JG: Oh gosh they are.

BR: But it's okay, because when I come it's very special but --

JG: Yes, they know they can go big-time shopping. [tape is shut off briefly.] Again, we stopped the tape briefly for an answering message which would have interfered. We were talking about the ladies that you get to take out to the quilt shops back up north. That's their candy store, isn't it?

BR: Well, it's mine too, because Lancaster area, Pennsylvania is quilt land and the Old Order

either Mennonites or Conservatives have fabric shops. They will have fabric at half price from what we pay in Naples. So, its $5.95 a yard instead of nine or ten [dollars.]. The new wonderful product called Minkie is $20.00 here or nineteen something most places here around Naples and up there I found it for $9.95. And a wealth of colors at one shop, so it was just hmm.

JG: Yeah, well that Minkie is an interesting fabric. You use for, you've used it for your quilts?

BR: To back a baby quilt.

JG: For backing. I've just discovered it too. Unbelievable.

BR: In fact, my mother wants me to do a pillowcase for her. My niece was with us and said, 'but grandma aren't those bumps going to make marks on your face?' And I said, 'how did she get her dimples in the first place?' [JG laughs.] Because she has very distinct dimples which she has shared with me. [JG laughs.] That was fun.

JG: How sweet, how sweet, oh. Well why is quilting important to your life?

BR: I just think it is a wonderful creative art form that takes you beyond yourself. When I go to a guild meeting and there is a visiting speaker it is two hours. I may not ever want to do that project, but it is the thought process of where that person is in their journey that is fascinating to me.

JG: So you immerse yourself in their journey?

BR: Yes, it is interesting. Some people have reacted to violence, and they've made--that's been their career to make these horrific art forms. Others have done, they've done large quilts and miniatures to match. I don't know, if you were back in time a gal from Port Charlotte that spoke at the Guild meeting about how she had survived Hurricane Charley. It was wonderful to see, plus what they did with their show then I believe February. They had a wonderful quilt show in Port Charlotte.

JG: Yes, they did, they did.

BR: Again, that brought those women together and families of survival; to get on with life and cope with however damaged they were after Hurricane Charlie.

JG: Yeah. But the other quilters also shared with them when they had heard they lost so much, they lost their home and I know that the Naples Quilters came through and made gifts of [inaudible].

BR: That's right. I think Aloyse was the organizer for the Guild quilts for Pine Island and some went to Punta Gorda, Port Charlotte [both are talking.].

JG: Ten went to Punta Gorda, Port Charlotte and ten went to Pine Island.

BR: Wonderful.

JG: Quilters do share.

BR: Yes.

JG: Do you think your quilts reflect your community or the region where you live?

BR: [6 second pause.] Not necessarily. Since I am doing charity, I do try. We did red hat things last year for the auction at Landis Home, very successful. This year we are doing some again, but I have embellished them with beads and feathers, and it will be fun because they are starting their own society there which is fun, the red hats. So, a friend just sent me a pattern in golfing, and I was going to ask you later, but I will ask you now. It is a miniature that will be 13 by 14 ½. Will that work with a golfing theme, paper pieced, is that the right size for the miniature sale?

JG: Yes, yes, oh yes, right.

BR: I thought that might be a fun piece to finish for that. I guess I quilt with a purpose for fund-raising rather than planned self-satisfaction at the moment.

JG: And yet there is so much satisfaction [clock chiming.] that we do get in giving quilts away.

BR: Oh absolutely.

JG: That is, that is the great pleasure and it's a blessing besides. How do you think that quilts can be used? What are the - or how should they be used? Or should they be used?

BR: I think they should be used unless they are an heirloom quilt. They will not stay an heirloom if they are used unless they are properly used, I mean out of the light. Other, you know, I think quilts made for children should be enjoyed by children, you know. And this new Minkie makes you want to be sixteen and probably still carry a blanket [laughs.] because it is so soft and wonderful What was the rest of the, am I answering your question?

JG: Well, how should they be used, or should they be used?

BR: You know your art form use or heirloom.

JG: But the art quilts and wall hangings and used on the bed. [both talk at the same time.]

BR: And in our camper we have miniatures hung.

JG: Do you, do you?

BR: I replaced the covering on the door that goes to the exterior with fabric that is patchwork. [JG nods.] So, it is just fun to carry that on wherever you are.

JG: When you are driving, when you are traveling do you have handwork with you?

BR: No, because I enjoy the scenery. I have handwork when we stop. But no, I am on the trip to enjoy and participate in driving. I might miss something.

JG: Right, right, yes.

BR: I am always looking for birds or whatever's there.

JG: Yeah. Was that a flamingo? [both laugh.]

BR: Is that a whooping crane or a sandhill? [JG laughs.]

JG: What do you think quilting will be like in the future? Do you think we are going in any particular direction with quilting?

BR: Oh, I think the sky is the limit. I mean just think what rotary cutters have done for us, you know, and rulers with a keyhole, just to keep you square. It's just a marvelous addition, so who knows and especially with sewing machines, just are wonderful.

JG: So, you have your favorite tools?

BR: I like my Bernina, yes, and yes, I do. I like the large cutting tool that closes when you lay it down automatically. [laughs.] I like the new scissors that have, they are probably old scissors that have the spring in them, and they're very carpal tunnel friendly. The simple things and my straw needles. I do collect sewing memorabilia and antique tape measures.

JG: Sewing notions?

BR: That's right. That's fun.

JG: A variety of sewing notions? Do you collect quilts as well?

BR: Yes, I do and wall hangings primarily from friends, but not necessarily.

JG: Your quilt collection are these antique quilts or are they--

BR: Some.

JG: Modern quilts?

BR: Some antique, some just pretty much in the Lancaster area style rather than art quilts so to speak.

JG: Your collection is still growing?

BR: Yes. I really consider it as investments. You are helping the cause, but you are also buying right in anything, and hopefully it's an investment that grows.

JG: So, what are your plans for this quilt collection?

BR: Good question, maybe part of the retirement slush fund. [JG laughs.]

JG: To buy more quilt fabric. [laughs.].

BR: Could be.

JG: So, might some of them go to the new quilt museum in Lancaster? [phone ringing, answering machine went on and tape was paused.] We're back with the tape recorder on again. We briefly shut it off. I asked about your quilt collection. Might some of them go to the quilt museum in Lancaster?

BR: My understanding is they were bought; they paid a million dollars for the collection. I am not certain how many quilts but, we, and it changes every six months, and it is in a fabulous building downtown, near the market, Central Market. We've been able to be there for every six-month change and I think that has only happened twice now. I think they opened last Spring so that has been interesting. But I don't know that they will be adding to that, but it is a marvelous collection to get back.

JG: Yes, it made every quilting magazine. It was a big headline.

BR: Last time we were there they featured quilting toys that quilters would make as in spool chickens for, not necessarily toys but a pin cushion. That just happened to be my great aunt. A cousin bought her sewing basket at the auction and on a visit shared two of the spool chickens but there were also pin cushions and just toys made out of wool or other things like flannel that was very interesting to the collection.

JG: Yeah, have there been any questions that you thought I would ask but I didn't that you would like to bring up now? Anything you would like to convey?

BR: [5 second pause.] I'm not thinking about, can't think of anything at the moment.

JG: Well, we still do have some time. Have any particular quilters greatly influenced the way you look at quilts, or consider quilts, or the way you work on them?

BR: Oh, I am sure my mother. I mean, we did the Orlando show this year, we did the Port Charlotte and Naples Guild show in the spring of 2005 and it was wonderful to see it through her eyes It is very hard for her to accept any machine quilting, but she enjoyed the art form and the whimsy of some and of course the new colors and the fabrics are just a wonderful addition.

JG: You say you enjoyed it through her eyes. Give some examples. How did she express that or which quilt did she go to, or which were she drawn to?

BR: Well, at the Port Charlotte show the 9-11 quilts were really spectacular and the lone star queen-size quilt that was done in grays and then when you looked at the patches to see faces and it was an example to show the smoke. That was just such a spectacular piece. There was a fire man and the twin towers also, but the thought and the subtlety of that quilt, it was hard to read the description and not walk away teary because it was just amazing, amazing.

JG: Yeah, I know, she [Lois Jarvis.] is from Madison. [Wisconsin.]

BR: And then there was quilt in the show that was a small, relatively small wall hanging that showed this lady's version of swirling with bits of fabric in it. That was Hurricane Charlie and that was an impressive, again quilting through tragedy and putting it into fabric instead of paint or pen. Fascinating.

JG: You, as well as your mother, were also interested?

BR: Yes, oh sure.

JG: She was drawn?

BR: We also did the Lancaster show. I forgot that. We did the Lancaster show and that was again fascinating to--

JG: So, she discusses the quilts with you?

BR: As we walk, sure, actually one of the spectacular quilts that was not ribboned was, well there was several, there was one that had different scenes of ladies and every scene it had a different dress on it and it turned out when you looked closely their dresses were all hankies. And she enjoyed that, because who is using hankies these days? And then there was an Amish vegetable garden quilt that was very vibrant in color and texture and the carrots had embroidered little feathery roots on them, it was just a spectacular thing. Not only the roots of the area, since out heritage is Mennonite and my mother is of the Mennonite faith, and we have very good friends that are Old Order Amish. It was just a wonderful honor plus having roots in the land too. That was really a joy.

JG: And you enjoy your mother just bubbling about the quilts when she--

BR: Sure, and what she doesn't like is fun too. [both laugh.] She is not afraid to express her thoughts. It's just wonderful to be ninety-three and a half and have an opinion and also learning.

JG: Well, I guess, is there anything else you'd like to add before we wrap up this interview?

BR: [4 second pause.] I would say that it was an honor for you to ask me. I thought I did not have a story to tell.

JG: Everybody has a story.

BR: I understand that, but many are more interesting, but we look forward to attending the Houston show for the first time this Fall on our way to do a Copper Canyon caravan in our motor home, which should be spectacular. And my husband shares the interest so it's not like pulling and tugging him there. So that should be very interesting. And we are spending about eight days in the area of Houston so we will be able to do it well.

JG: A through job of Houston.

BR: That's right, and not only the quilt show we have other interests there. We happen to enjoy Texas. We did that on our 40th anniversary [large truck passes on the street.] we did Big Bend and did the presidential library, the two libraries that are there, and went to Crawford which was interesting, and Tony Blair happened to be there. So that was interesting, and we got to see bluebell which was another goal. Blue bonnet, excuse me, not bluebell.

JG: Super, excellent, excellent.

BR: So, I hope to keep enjoying and quilting.

JG: Keep quilting, keep quilting. Well Barbara thank you very much for allowing me to interview you today. It was, it was a lot of fun and I know we will go on and we will share more even after the tape is shut off, but the interview concludes at 12:14. Thank you again.

BR: Thank you for coming.

[tape shuts off.]


“Barbara Ranck,” Quilters' S.O.S. -- Save Our Stories, accessed July 26, 2024,