Evangelina Angulo




March 6, 2007




Christine Sparta


Evangelina Angulo


Karen Musgrave

Interview sponsor

The Nat'l Quilting Assn


Boonville, California


Kim Greene


**This transcript was created by QSOS volunteers and was reviewed and, in some cases, edited by the interviewee. It may not exactly match the audio recording. For citations and interview quotations, please refer to the audio-recorded interview.** Note: Yolanda Ibarra was the translator.

Karen Musgrave (KM): This is Karen Musgrave. It is March 6, 2007. I am in Boonville, California and I am doing a Quilters' S.O.S. - Save Our Stories interview with Evangelina Angulo, and I want to thank you for coming today and sharing your quilt with me. Please tell me the story about the quilt you brought to the interview today.

Evangelina Angulo (EA): My husband told me to come, to go to school and try to learn something, to learn new activities, to get out there and try to learn English. Get out of the house because I watch too much TV. So I came, I start to come to school to English classes and that is where I learned about the class for the quilts. I saw a lot of beautiful things that my classmates were making. If they can do something beautiful with quilts, I think I can too. It was about Christmas time almost and I decided to make this quilt, because I felt sad because I wasn't going to be able to visit my family in Mexico. That is why I did this quilt, because I felt sad that I wasn't going to be able to go and it is reflecting the whole Christmas spirit. I didn't think it was going to turn out this nice, but now that I know I can do it I'm going to try to do another one.

KM: How many quilts have you made?

EA: Four.

KM: Which number is this one?

EA: Second.

KM: What did the first one look like?

EA: It sold it in San Francisco.

KM: What did it look like?

EA: On the corner there were some little houses. The heart in the middle was mine and my husband's. The four houses represent my kids. In one heart I had a house, a little bird coming out. That was my son who took off to college. The other three I still have at home.

KM: How did it make you feel when it sold?

EA: I almost fell off the chair when they told me it had sold. [laughs.] She thought who is going to want to buy this. When Molly told me it sold, I yelled I was so happy. Si?.

KM: When did you start quilting?

EA: I started making it in class, about January of 2006 when I started going to class.

KM: Do you like the class?

EA: A lot.

KM: What do you like about class?

EA: Everything. I have the whole week scheduled. Monday I come to class for computer class in the morning and English class. On Tuesdays I have an education class for the kids and an English class. On Wednesdays I have the quilt class and a computer class in the morning, and on Thursday a lady comes for a class for educating your children if they get out of hand and how to do that. Friday I don't do anything.

KM: A day of rest from all the hard work during the week. Good for you. What does your family think of your quilting?

EA: They said it is beautiful work. I showed my husband one day. He took look at it. I say, 'You think I go to school to waste my time. I'm busy doing something. I can do something, so see it is right here.'

KM: What is the quilt after this one?

EA: The ocean. There is one part I like. A girl coming out of the water. Flowers. That is the one I did. The next one. I was in my kitchen and I looked outside up to the sky and I said, 'What should I make?' I'm going to make a quilt during the night to show the night. I did not know where to begin but my teachers told me to put dark colors so it would represent the night. Finally I thought it was going to turn out terrible, but actually it turned out very nice.

KM: Where are those quilts?

EA: At school.

KM: Molly [Johnson Martinez.] keeps everything for shows. [laughs.]

EA: Just the heart one sold.

KM: What are your plans for more quilts?

EA: I have a lot of plans; the only problem is I don't have a sewing machine at the house. If I had one it would be different at the house I would be working on it little by little. Now I have to wait until class.

KM: That makes it difficult. What is your favorite part of making quilts?

EA: I like to sew. When I put it down with pins, it looks different. Once they are sewn on they look so nice. I am trying to decide what next my quilts are going to look like. This helps me keep my mind busy, thinking of what to do next.

KM: You did a good job on the binding. Do you like these kinds of colors?

EA: I like those because they are nice and bright.

KM: You like bright colors?

EA: Si?. I think about making more with some toys. When I was little I didn't even have a doll to play with.

KM: Good, I like that idea.

EA: I am going to do one where I am sewing, me at sewing on the machine.

KM: Very good, a self portrait.

EA: I have to think of something else.

KM: Getting a few quilts now.

Yolanda Ibarra (YI): She has time to think of another one.

EA: Little by little.

KM: Hopefully you will get a machine. Is there any part of quilting that you don't like?

EA: No.

KM: No, that is good.

EA: I like everything.

KM: Not everybody, some people don't like--there are certain parts that they don't like.

YI: Like me, making people. [YI is referring to the fact that she does not like to do people in her quilts. She tried once and did it not turn out so she has decided not to do anymore quilts with people.]

KM: Exactly, she does not like to make people.

EA: I don't know how to do it, but I ask for help. If I don't know how to put the edge here.

KM: The binding on it.

EA: I ask somebody for help.

KM: That is good.

YI: I am asking who helped her on this one.

EA: Lee [Serrie.] did. Lee taught her it. Lee helped her with the color on it.

KM: Nice back too. With the floral print. Very nice. What more would you like to learn about quiltmaking?

EA: Bigger.

KM: Bigger quilts.

EA: I would like to learn.

KM: Are quilts basically this size or smaller?

EA: No. They are about the same size.

KM: About the same size, so you must like this size if they are all about the same size?
[EA laughs.] Did you want to go bigger?

EA: Bigger.

KM: How much bigger? I make big, big quilts. You will see them tomorrow. I am going to share. Have you gone to any of the exhibitions?

EA: One.

KM: Where did you go?

EA: I went to the Marin Farmer's Market and to hang the show at the Women's Cancer Resource Center once.

KM: Tell us about it.

EA: The flea market. I sold outside in the flea market. I went to the flea market in Marin.

KM: How was it?

EA: They sold two.

KM: Two quilts there. How long was it, just a day?

EA: Si?. Just a day.

KM: That is hard work for two quilts.

EA: In half an hour they sold two.

KM: And then nothing?

EA: Then nothing. [laughs.] We got home in the nighttime.

KM: That is good. Was it fun to do it?

EA: Si?.

YI: Why didn't you go to the other ones.

EA: I have got a little boy.

KM: How old is your little boy?

EA: He is four. I wanted to go to LA [Los Angeles.], but my little boy had to go to school and all that, so I couldn't go. Once he is in Kindergarten I will have more time.

KM: Then you will be able to travel with the quilts?

EA: Si?.

KM: When you were at the flea market, were you asked lots of questions?

EA: They said they were beautiful and I would answer them with the English that I know.

KM: Very good.

EA: We were teaching them [the people asking questions.] Spanish. Green is Verdi. Casa house. Si?.

KM: You were teaching Spanish. Very good.

EA: Christmas oh yes. Black. Raining.

KM: Do you have snow here?

YI: Not here, here.

KM: Not in Boonville. No snow in Boonville.

EA: No.

KM: I have a lot of snow. I'm from Chicago. Lots of snow.

EA: I have relatives in Chicago.

KM: Where in Chicago?

EA: Chicago, Illinois. An uncle.

KM: How long have you been in Boonville?

EA: Eleven years.

KM: Wow a long time.

EA: I but don't learn English.

KM: You will. Little by little.

YI: You know how to say red, green.

EA: Blue.

KM: That is good.

EA: I can read more than what I can speak.

KM: That is good.

YI: My cousin learned. She knows how to read everything. It is harder for her to pronounce it.

KM: To pronounce it, to speak it.

YI: It is funny how she can pronounce it in reading but not speak it. I think that is funny and she does that.

KM: With the computer.

YI: That is what she is doing right now.

EA: Si?. English.

KM: What are you learning on the computer?

EA: English.

KM: A lot of quiltmakers use programs to design their quilts on their computers.

EA: Oh. I didn't know that.

KM: I don't use a computer, but a lot of people use computers now for everything.

YI: A lot of ladies there tell my husband. My husband help get this in the computer. I don't know. So they are taking classes. Never too old to do something.

KM: Exactly and I think it helps you stay young to do new things.

EA: Si?.

KM: Do you feel better getting out of the house and doing these things?

EA: Si?. Like Friday when I don't come out of the house, I get nervous, I don't know what to do.

KM: Have you ever considered sewing by hand your quilts?

YI: I'm telling her she can do it by hand.

KM: You can do that. I still do. When you see my quilts tomorrow, I do many things by hand.

EA: Si?.

KM: I don't like to spend all of my time in front of my sewing machine. So when I'm traveling or just want to sit in front of the TV, I do it all by hand. You can make a quilt without having a sewing machine.

EA: I am going to try it.

KM: I hope you do, because I feel bad that you only have Wednesdays to do that. You will see tomorrow that a lot of my work is done by hand. So you could do whatever you needed to do by machine, like putting your background pieces together and then you can go home and do all the little stuff. Take it home and work on it. Then you would have even more quilts done. Then you will be busy on Fridays. [laughs.] What are your favorite materials? What do you like best? Some people like lots of velvet in your group. Do you like just cottons?

YI: She is talking about colors.

KM: She likes green, I got that.

EA: Light greens.

KM: Do you like writing the stories behind the quilts?

EA: Si?. A lot.

KM: Very good.

EA: I like to put it all together and then decide why this is here and why I put this here and why I put this over here too then my story comes out.

KM: Is this the quilt that is going to be in the book?

EA: Um, hum.

KM: This is the one. What do you think about the book?

EA: I think it is great because that is going to get us more places to show our quilts and more into the quilting and to get more sales and more to do more stuff.

KM: Where do you see this group going in five years?

EA: We are doing the quilts, we are doing the book, so I see us getting more with more people involved then we are going to go up higher, have more success. I think it will go for a long time, little by little. There are three books that I have been involved in. I did the salsa book.

KM: The salsa book?

EA: I made another one about the food, Mexican food and now this one.

KM: Has she been involved in the movie with Lee [Serrie.]?

EA: Yes

KM: Lee is still doing it.

EA: Lee interviewed me in December or January

KM: I think it will be very interesting when the movie comes out. She is not finished. She wants it to be about the story of the Los hilos de la vida project.

EA: I get nervous do you think it is going to come out okay. [laughs.]

KM: It will be fine. Si?. Were you nervous today?

EA: At first yes.

KM: But now you are okay.

EA: But now I'm not. I have more confidence.

KM: That is good. Very good. Do you think you will ever have quilts hanging in your home?

EA: I prefer to make them and sell them. I like the people to see what we can do. My house, they are just going to see it like one more thing in my home. Not take advantage of the work I put in it.

KM: You hope you sell more quilts, make more quilts.

EA: Si?.

KM: Little by little. I hope you sell it so you can get yourself a sewing machine. That would be good.

EA: Since my son gives me encouragement, the one in college.

KM: That is wonderful.

EA: He says, 'See mom I told you could do it, keep it up.' That is what my son tells me.

KM: What is he studying?

EA: Laws. This June he is going to graduate. He is going to continue.

KM: He wants to be a lawyer, so does my son.

EA: Si?. I think it is hard. My husband is the only one working, and I don't have a job. A lot of money. Yes.

KM: I know how much.

EA: He is not getting too much help.

KM: That is too bad. You make quilts, you can sell them and make more money and then you will feel good.

YI: She said the other day I was talking to her, she said she sent her son one hundred dollars and he was so happy. I said that is good, I am glad when they appreciate what we send them. That is the only way. Some kids just get the money and they go out and waste it.

KM: Let's conclude. Thank you very much for taking your time; for doing this interview with me. I am going to conclude our interview at 11:47.


“Evangelina Angulo,” Quilters' S.O.S. -- Save Our Stories, accessed October 9, 2024, https://qsos.quiltalliance.org/items/show/40.